Solar, Wind, Battery Storage, Geothermal, Carbon Capture?

Every site location is unique in terms of its highest and best use case.

Our predictive models analyize opportunity trends for your specific site location build around on three elements below to create maximum value for stakeholders

Request your confidential site analysis report and renewable energy valuation

The 98ix.Energy model works through the creation of energy clusters to reduce the unit cost of both power generation and grid connection costs.

That means that location selection will occur over time based on the amount of combined demand that we have received from landowners and investors like yourself.

To explore participation in our national engagement model and receive a confidential supply / demand report with insights on your property simply fill out the form below and we will provide you with what we home is powerful perspective on your options as your property connects into its own regional power hub and becomes eligible to connect into our development and profit sharing agreement.

Powered by the most powerful energy datasets and most current real estate valuation tools available, our expert team hopes to be speaking with you soon..